From the recording Fake Blonde

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What makes you say the things that you say
What makes you do the things that you do
Oh the devil may care
And life isn’t fair
There’s a hot place in hell for a liar like you

Verse 2
If you wanted to be free you could just walk away
You didn’t have to have my ass thrown in a jail
You lied to the judge
And the magistrate too
There’s a hot place in hell
For a liar like you


Some lies can kill
Some (Others) will self destruct
Some lies will leave a man
Raking the muck
Some lies will bite back
The hand of the fool
And if there’s any justice that fool Will be you

Verse 3

You fell for the greatest lie of them all
That all of your troubles are someone else’s fault
But The common ingredient has always been you
There’s a hot place in hell for a liar like you
There’s a hot place in hell for a liar like you
There’s a hot place in hell for a liar like you

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